
I really enjoy to invent, experiment and discover new concepts. I'm completely convinced that imagination and practice are more powerful than than the knowledge that is acquired by reading (and I read a lot).

One of the main reasons why I came to work at the University, was the exceptional treatment that research groups have at the Spanish Patent Law 11/1986.

Ten years ago, I did not find scientific support when I wanted to experience with patents inside my research group. And, I was asked to postpone patent applications after the thesis. When I finished the thesis, I had to face new technical fronts, so I couldn't invest time in writing patents for a long time.
Over the months, I have seen how time passes away, and my dream hung in the balance in my postdoc stage, too.

I'm doing my best to change this pattern, so, now, I schedule a fixed amount of weekend time to explore the creative world of patents.

In the last 12 months I have written 43 patents applications, without any cost for the University. I got feedback and valuable advices from CINTTEC staff, before patents were sent to OEPM. But, I write the patents by myself, without the help of intellectual property agents.

Most of people would judge this is a crazy adventure because I jeopardise my inventions. Strong patents are usually written by specialists, and we can hire this services in URJC. But, there are good reasons for doing so:

  • I want to generate a massive amount of patents (so, intellectual property agents' fees would sum a large amount of money).
  • Patents are an invaluable means of disseminating applied scientific knowledge.
  • And the most important, I want to learn as much as I can with this experience.

This is a trial and error process. Each step is a great and hard challenge. I'm not interested on becoming rich with these patents, I'm only enjoying the ride.

If you are interested on licensing some of my patents, please, contact me first. 
As far as they have been developed in my "free" academic time (weekend time), I'm sure I can persuade URJC to offer you a good deal (cheaper that you could imagine).

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